SharePoint 2010 added the Ribbon, It’s very cool to the users. But when we develop Ribbon, how do rapid development and deploy Ribbon? This article will share one plugins, it will help you rapidly developing Ribbon.
1. First , you should download this plugins: Server Ribbon.vsix, and install it.You can verify the extension is installed from the Extension Manager.
Please ensure the set of VS:
2. Add a new Server Ribbon Project Item
From a new or existing SharePoint project, add a new Server Ribbon project item from the new project item dialog.
3. Walk through the wizard to build the Server Ribbon xml.
4. When you deploy Ribbon, where are the related resources, e.g. images,javascript… …, saved? below screenshot is the wizard, in this demo, we select the Site Assets.
5. The Ribbon that is created has a number of examples on how to use icons and hook up javascript events and dialogs. The Ribbon xml that is generated also contains commented out examples on how to create every possible supported ribbon control.
6. Another cool feature of the Server Ribbon extension is that it adds code snippets for every type of Server Ribbon control.
7. Pack to wsp file, and deploy it using Power Shell
Add-SPSolution -LiteralPath "D:\SharePointProject1\RibbonDemo\bin\Debug\ribbondemo.wsp"
Install-SPSolution ribbondemo.wsp -gacdeployment
8. Open the SharePoint site, and active the feature, then create one list, you will get below screen: