Powershell for sharePoint 2010 Tutorial - Dig SharePoint

Some of the Important links that will help you learn PowerShell in SharePoint 2010.

Introduction – After installing SharePoint 2010 Products, the applicable Windows PowerShell cmdlets are available by using the SharePoint 2010 Management Shell, or by using the Windows PowerShell console. With the management shell, you can manage every aspect of SharePoint 2010 Products. You can create new site collections, Web applications, user accounts, service applications, proxies, and more. The commands from the management shell output SharePoint objects based on the Microsoft .NET
Platform. These objects can be applied as input to subsequent commands or stored in local variables for later use.

Permissions - Before you can use the management shell and the Windows PowerShell cmdlets, verify that you meet the following minimum requirements :
If you do not have membership in the SharePoint_Shell_Access role or WSS_Admin_WPG local group, use the Add-SPShellAdmin cmdlet. When the Add-SPShellAdmin cmdlet is used, the user is added to the WSS_Admin_WPG group in all front-end Web servers and is added to the SharePoint_Shell_Access role. If the target database does not have a SharePoint_Shell_Access role, the role is automatically created. Once the Add-SPShellAdmin cmdlet has been run, the user can run SharePoint 2010 Windows PowerShell cmdlets in a multiple-server farm environment.

Now lets come to our main topic the references!
Learning Windows PowerShell - There are several Windows PowerShell learning resources for SharePoint IT professionals who are not
familiar with Windows PowerShell.

Windows PowerShell Documentation on TechNet -
This section of the TechNet Library contains Web copies of the core Windows PowerShell Get-Help topics. The section also has Web copies of the Windows PowerShell Getting Started document, the PowerShell.exe help, and a Windows PowerShell primer.

Scripting With Windows PowerShell -The home page for Windows PowerShell scripting learning resources.

Windows PowerShell Owner's Manual -
Web-based guide for getting started with Windows PowerShell.

Windows PowerShell Quick Reference – Downloadable copy of the Quick Reference document installed with Windows PowerShell.

As you read these resources, consider that the following concepts and cmdlets are useful ones to learn
before using Windows PowerShell for SharePoint 2010 Products:
Piping and the Pipeline in Windows PowerShell
Cmdlet Parameter Sets

Hhow to Export\Import a webpart in Sharepoint 2010

To save the web part and use it again, you must export the web part and then import it to the other page. Following is the process to do that.

Export a Web Part -
Exporting a web part involves saving the web part's settings as a file to your computer. Not all web parts support this option, and in some web parts, the owner of the page
may choose to disable this option. In those cases, you should look in the options in that web part's properties tool pane to see whether the option to allow the web part to be exported is enabled.

Note – Not all web parts have this option; some web parts cannot be exported.

Steps are -
1. To export a web part that allows exporting, switch the page that has the web part to editing mode.
2. Once done, hover your mouse over the web part's title row.
3. Doing so exposes a small black triangle on the right corner of the title row. Click this triangle and expose the web part's drop-down menu.
4. If the web part allows exporting, the Export option appears on the menu.
5. After you select the Export option, a File Download dialog appears, allowing you to save the web part to your computer. You can save the file anywhere on your computer so that you can import it later.

Import a Web Part –

1. To import a web part that you have previously saved to your computer, open the page in editing mode and click the web part zone where you want the web part to be added, as if you were adding a new web part.
2. When the dialog with the list of web parts appears, instead of selecting a web part from the list, click the Upload a Web Part link shown under the Categories box.
3. When you click this link, you see a button to browse and a button to upload the file you have exported.

Query Web Service FAST serach sharepoint 2010 – Tutorial - Dig SharePoint

Query Web Service is the integration point for applications outside your SharePoint environment, such as standalone, non – web – based applications or Silverlight applications running in a browser. The Query web service is a SOAP – based web service and supports a number of operations, including:
Querying and getting search results Getting query suggestions Getting metadata (managed properties) The same schema is shared by SharePoint Search and FAST Search, and both products support the same operations. For querying, clients can easily switch the search provider by setting a ResultsProvider element in the request XML. A number of extensions are available for FAST Search, for example, refi nement results, advanced sorting using a formula, and issuing queries using the FAST Query Language.

Some other important things you need to know are  –
The Query RSS Feed –
Certain scenarios, such as simple mash – ups, may need only a simple search result list. The RSS feed is an alternative, lightweight integration point for supplying applications outside of SharePoint with a simple RSS result list. The Search Center — the default search frontend in SharePoint 2010 — includes a link to a query – based RSS feed. Switching the engine to the RSS format is done simply by setting a URL provider. Because it was designed to be simple, there are some limitations to what
can be returned and customized in the Query RSS feed. The user object models or web service integration scenarios are recommended for more advanced applications.

The Query Object Model
This is the lowest – level object model, used by the Federation Object Model, the Query web service, and the Query RSS feed. Both SharePoint Search and FAST Search support the KeywordQuery object in this object model. While the Federation OM returns XML (to web parts), the Query OM returns data types.

Sharepoint 2010 development tutorial videos - Dig SharePoint

If your looking for beginner level Tutorial Videos for sharePoint 2010. Please see Sharepoint 2010 Tutorial Videos. This post only contain links to advanced level SharePoint 2010 Tutorial video.

Display data using SPgridview in SharePoint 2010 -

Display data using SPgridview in SharePoint 2010

Retrieve data Using REST Sharepoint 2010 -

Retrieve data Using REST Sharepoint 2010

Create Custom Site column in Visual Studio 2010  in SharePoint 2010 -

Create Custom Site column in Visual Studio 2010  in SharePoint 2010

Create Custom Content Type using Visual Studio 2010 in SharePoint 2010 -

Create Custom Content Type using Visual Studio 2010 in SharePoint 2010

Create Custom Field Types using Visual Studio in SharePoint 2010 -

Create Custom Field Types using Visual Studio in SharePoint 2010

Sharepoint 2010 Tutorial Videos - Dig SharePoint

SharePoint 2010 Development Introduction Video
In this video Paul Andrew talsk about whats new in SharePoint 2010 for
developers and also tells you about new solution and packaging methods in
sharePoint 2010.

2010 Out-of-box Webparts -
In this Video you will see how to use
Out-of-Box Sharepoint 2010 webparts.
See the Video at SharePoint
2010 build-in Webparts

Visual WebPart in SharePoint 2010 -
In this Video presenter will show you
how to create a simple Visual WebPart in SharePoint 2010. If you need the
Introdcution to the WebParts in SharePoint 2010, please see  @ Sharepoint 2010 WebPart Tutorial
See the video at Visual
WebPart for SharePoint 2010

Create a Sandbox Soltuion WebPart - In this
Video you will learn how to create a new
custom webpart as a Sandboxed
See the Video Sandbox
Soltuion in SharePoint 2010

Application Pages, Ribbon and Silverlight in
SharePoint 2010 -
In this Video you will learn what are the changes in
application pages or _layouts pages in sharepoint 2010 and also how do you
customize the Ribbon.
See Video at : Application
pages and Ribbon in SharePoint 2010

Creating BCS solutions With SharePoint 2010 -
This will talk about BCS (Business Connectivity Services) solutions, What they
are and how do make the BCS VS solutions.
See the video : BCS
in SharePoint 2010

Sharepoint 2010 WebPart Tutorial - Dig SharePoint

Webparts as you know are Reusable components that can be deployed and added to
many different sharepoint site pages. In this post we will talk about custom and
Out-of-box webparts in SharePoint 2010.

In sharePoint 2010 we can create
two kind of custom WebParts :

1. Visual
WebPart -
While creating a Visual webpart you will have a design
interface available with you, where you can simply drag and drop checkboxes,
labels or your own custom controls to make up the webpart UI. To add the
business logic, a code behind file is also attached to the

Technically, a Visual webpart in SharePoint 2010 is a ascx User
Control that is hosted inside a standard asp.net webpart. If you notice that the
webpart class does not now inherit form a
Microsoft.SharePoint.webpartpages.webparts or System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts
instead it inherits from UserControl namespace.

2. Standard AsP.NET WbeParts - Here you will
have to build uo your user interface and logic in a class file. Unlike, visual
webpart standad asp.net webparts in SharePoint 2010 does not gives you any drag
and drop design surface for developing WebPart UI. This type of webpart Inherits
from Standard ASP.Net webpart instead of UserControl or

WebPart Packaging
Visual Studio 2010 package and deploy webparts when you press Clt + F5.
It has a packaging and deployment processor which will create the needed
solution package for your webpart and will deploy it in your sharepoint site.
You can then add the webparts on any sharepoint site page from webpart

See WebPart examples at this Video :
2010 webparts

Lets talk about Out-of-Box webparts - In sharePoint
2010 many new Out-of-Box webparts are available for better representation of
SharePoint data. You will initially see few categories in the Add Webpart pane
but if you go to Site Actions->galleries and WebParts, you can add various
other webparts available into your categories.

How to Create scorecard in dashboard designer sharepoint 2010 - Dig SharePoint

Scorecards are dashboard items that show performance for one or more metrics. Scorecards compare actual results to specified goals and express the results by using graphical indicators. A scorecard resembles a table that usually has Target and Actual value columns and one or more key performance indicators (KPIs).
When you create a scorecard by using Dashboard Designer, you can select from several different methods:

* You can use a wizard to set up a basic scorecard. This is useful when you are new to Dashboard Designer and you do not have many existing dashboard items that you can reuse. This method is also useful when want to quickly and easily create a scorecard.When you use a wizard to create a scorecard, you start by selecting the kind of data source that will be used by at least one KPI in the scorecard. You use the wizard to create the scorecard, and then you finish configuring the scorecard in the workspace.

* You can create a blank scorecard and then manually add the KPIs and other items that you want to use in the scorecard. This is useful when you or other dashboard authors have already created one or more KPIs.

Method 1 -
When you use a wizard, you begin by selecting a template. The template that you select corresponds to the kind of data source that you plan to use for your scorecard.

To select a scorecard template
1.  Identify the kind of data source that you want to use for your scorecard. The data source that you want to use will help you determine which scorecard template.
2.  Make sure that the data source that you want to use is available. Do this by using the following procedure:

1. In Dashboard Designer, click the Home tab, and then click Refresh.
2. In the Workspace Browser, click Data Connections.
3. In the center pane of the workspace, review the list of data sources on the Server and Workspace tabs.
4. Confirm that the data source that you want to use is available. If it is not listed, then you might have to create a data connection.

5. Create a blank scorecard by using Dashboard Designer -When you create a blank scorecard by using PerformancePoint Dashboard Designer, you create an empty scorecard that has no key performance indicators (KPIs) or other information. Then, you configure the scorecard to add the KPIs and other items that you want to display in the scorecard. You would typically create a blank scorecard when you and other dashboard authors have already created KPIs.
To create a blank scorecard

1. In Dashboard Designer, in the Workspace Browser, click PerformancePoint Content.
2. On the Create tab, in the Dashboard Items group, click Scorecard.
3. Depending on whether Dashboard Designer is configured to use a wizard to create scorecards, one of the following actions occurs:
* The Select a Scorecard Template dialog box opens.  If this occurs, select the Blank Scorecard template. Do this by using the following procedure:
1. In the Select a Scorecard Template dialog box, in the Category section, click Standard.
2. In the Template section, click Blank Scorecard.
3. Click OK to close the Select a Scorecard Template dialog box, and then proceed to Step 4.
A blank scorecard opens for editing.
If this occurs, proceed to Step 4.
4. In the center pane, click the Properties tab.
5. In the Name box, type the name that you want to use for the scorecard.
6. (This step is optional.) To specify a location for the scorecard, click the Display Folder button, and then select or create a folder.
7. In the Workspace Browser, right-click the scorecard, and then click Save.
8. After you and other dashboard authors have created scorecards by using PerformancePoint Dashboard Designer, you can then edit those scorecards to display information in a particular way. For example Add items, such as key performance indicators (KPIs) or dimension members to a scorecard.

Related Post - How to Create KPI in Dashboard Designer sharepoint 2010

How to Create KPI in Dashboard Designer sharepoint 2010

In continuation with my earlier post about How to create a blank scorecard in this post i will detail some steps about how to create a KPI.

In PerformancePoint Services in Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010, a key performance indicator (KPI) is a scorecard element that shows at a glance whether performance is on- or off-target for a particular metric. KPIs can vary greatly in their appearance and complexity, but KPIs typically calculate how actual values compare to target values and indicate performance by using a graphical indicator.A PerformancePoint scorecard can include one or more KPIs.

There are two ways to create a KPI –

Import a KPI -
When you import a KPI, you use the Create a Scorecard wizard in Dashboard Designer. The wizard enables you to copy one or more KPIs from the database server into Dashboard Designer and then configure those KPIs. Select this method when you are creating a scorecard by using the wizard or when you want to import existing KPIs from a data source.
Create a KPI – When you create a KPI, you use the Create a KPI wizard in Dashboard Designer. Select this method when you want to create a KPI separate from creating a scorecard or when you want to create and configure a new KPI that you define.

To import a KPI by using the Create a Scorecard wizard -

1. In Dashboard Designer, in the Workspace Browser, click PerformancePoint Content.

2. In the ribbon, click the Create tab.

3. In the ribbon, in the Dashboard Items group, click Scorecard. The Select a Scorecard Template dialog box opens.

4. In the Category pane, click All. Then, in the Template pane, click one of the following templates:
* Analysis Services
* Excel Services
* Excel Workbook
* SharePoint List
* SQL Server Table
The template that you select corresponds to the kind of data source that you plan to use for the scorecard. For example, if you want to import a KPI that is stored in an Analysis Services database, select the Analysis Services template. After you have selected the template that you want to use, click OK.

5. In the Select a data source page, review the list of data sources on the SharePoint Site and Workspace tabs. Select the data source that you want to use, and then click Next.

6. If you selected the Analysis Services scorecard template, the Select a KPI Source page opens. (Otherwise, proceed to step 7.)
Select the Create KPIs from SQL Server Analysis Services measures option, and then click Next.

7. In the Select KPIs to Import page, select the KPI (or KPIs) that you want to use by following these steps:
Click Add KPI. A KPI from the data source that you selected for the scorecard appears. Continue clicking Add KPI until you see the KPI (or KPIs) that you want to use. To remove any KPIs from the list, select a KPI and then click Delete Selected KPIs.Click Next.

8. On the Add Measure Filters page, click Next.

9. On the Add Member Columns page, click Next.

10. On the Locations page, confirm that the correct location is specified in the Create KPIs in list, and then click Finish.

To create a KPI by using the Create a KPI wizard -

1. In Dashboard Designer, in the Workspace Browser, click PerformancePoint Content.
2. In the ribbon, click the Create tab.
3. In the ribbon, in the Dashboard Items group, click KPI.
4. The Select a KPI Template dialog box opens.
5. In the Template pane, select either the Blank KPI or Objective template, and then click OK.
* Select Blank KPI to create a single KPI.
* Select Objective to create a KPI that serves as a heading for a group of other KPIs.
The KPI that you have created opens for editing in the workspace where you can configure it.

How to Create viso diagram webpart Sharepoint 2010 – Tutorial - Dig SharePoint

Visio has some great "mash-up" capabilities, which enable it to easily be integrated into SharePoint 2010. To create a simple Visio Web part diagram, follow these steps:

1. Open Visio 2010. Click File ➪ New and then select the ITIL Diagram.

2. Create a diagram.

3. When you finish building the diagram , click the Backstage tab (the tab on the upper-left part of the Visio document) and then click Share. At the bottom of the Backstage view, select Web Diagram. Note that, after you've finished, when you click Save As, there is an Options button that you can click to see
what pages (if you have multiple pages in your Visio diagram) will be published to Visio Services.

4. Next, upload the Visio diagram to a document library.

5. Click the drop-down menu beside the uploaded document and select View Properties.

6. Select Copy Shortcut.

7. Navigate to the location where you want to add the diagram on your SharePoint site, and then click Site Actions ➪ Edit Page.

8. Click "Add a web part" (or, if you're on a wiki page, click the Insert tab and select Web Part).

9. Navigate to the Office Client Applications, and select Visio Web Access Web part.

10. Once it is added, you can edit the Web part using the tool pane. Specifically, you want to copy the shortcut to the Visio diagram into the Web Drawing URL file and then click Apply. The Visio Web drawing will now be rendered in your SharePoint site.

How to Create infopath form in Sharepoint 2010 -Tutorial - Dig SharePoint

InfoPath forms are easy to create and deploy to SharePoint. To create an InfoPath form, follow these steps:

1. Create a Custom list called "Customers" in your SharePoint site. Create three columns entitled Contact Name, Email, and Phone Number. Make all of the fields of type "Single line of text."

2. Open InfoPath 2010 and click File.

3. Double-click the SharePoint List template.

4. In the Data Connection Wizard, enter the URL for the SharePoint site and click Next.

5. Click the Customize an Existing SharePoint List radio button, and then select the Customers list.

6. Accept the default name for the connection on the next step of the wizard, and click Finish.

7. When complete, InfoPath will generate a form that maps to the fields you created in your Customers list.

8. You can click Preview to preview the form, or you can click the Quick Publish button (to the right of the Save icon) to publish the form to SharePoint. When it is published, InfoPath will prompt you with a successful publish message.

9. To use the form in SharePoint, navigate to your SharePoint site and click Site Actions ➪ Edit Page.

10. Click "Add a web part." Click the Office Client Applications category, and select InfoPath Form Web Part. Click Add.

11. SharePoint exposes the default InfoPath capabilities, but you need to map it to a particular form. To do this, select "Click here to open the tool pane."

12. In the "Lists or Library" drop-down, select the Customers list and leave all of the other default options. Click OK. SharePoint renders the InfoPath form you created in the SharePoint Web part.

13. To use the InfoPath form, click the Forms Edit tab. Add some data to the form and click Save. The data you enter into the form will be saved in the Contacts list.

Sandbox Vs Farm level solutions Sharepoint 2010 - Dig SharePoint

Farm Level Solutions -
Farm-level solutions are scoped at the SharePoint farm level, so they have full-trust access to all the resources and functionality in SharePoint.

Application build using Farm level –

All SharePoint applictaions can be deployed with Farm level scope.

Sandboxed Solutions  –
Sandboxed Solutions are solutions that run in the context of a site collection. Sandboxed solutions are restricted.

Application build using Sandboxed Solutions –

They cannot connect to resources that are not on the local server, access a database, call unmanaged code, write to the system disk, or access resources in a different site collection. Sandboxed solutions, though,do have the capability to monitor and shut down applications, should they have any performance issues.