Several types of field assignment and getting value methods of sharepoint2010

1. date type of queries need to be converted,method as follows:

//Conversion time

string startdate = SPUtility.CreateISO8601DateTimeFromSystemDateTime(DateTime.Now);

2. Obtain the value of the user types:

public List<WorkManEntity> GetUsersFromSPFieldUser(SPListItem item,string key)  {      List<WorkManEntity> fUsers = new List<WorkManEntity>();       SPFieldUser uField = item.Fields[key] as SPFieldUser;      //This place can not judge the election, if the radio can get rid of
     if (uField.AllowMultipleValues)  // Allow multiple selections      {            SPFieldUserValueCollection userValues = item[key] as SPFieldUserValueCollection;            foreach (SPFieldUserValue userValue in userValues)            {                 if (null != userValue.User)                 {                      WorkManEntity user = new WorkManEntity();                      user.LookUpID = userValue.LookupId;                      user.LookUpValue = userValue.LookupValue;                      user.loginName = userValue.User.LoginName;                      //add list                      fUsers.Add(user);                 }             }       }        return fUsers;  } 3. assigned to the user type
SPFieldUserValueCollection uvc = new SPFieldUserValueCollection();  SPUser pu = web.EnsureUser(user.loginName);   uvc.Add(new SPFieldUserValue(web, pu.ID, pu.Name));  //user type
 newListitem["Overtime member"] = uvc;

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How to Configuration incoming email in SharePoint 2010 with Exchange – Step by Step Guide

will provide you with a comprehensive step by step guide in configuring your SharePoint 2010 server in conjunction with Exchange 2010, to provide successful delivery of incoming email directly to your SharePoint Web Applications.

The environment

This article builds on the SharePoint Farm setup that I have documented

. It consists of the following servers which would form a common basis in most large organizations.

· Windows 2008 R2 server running Active Directory Domain Services

· Windows 2008 R2 server running SQL 2008 R2

· Windows 2008 R2 server running SharePoint 2010 RTM

· Windows 2008 R2 server running Exchange 2010 RTM

· Windows 7 client running Office 2010 RTM

The SMTP service

SharePoint 2010 is reliant on the SMTP service which is a Windows 2008 feature and we must install this on our SharePoint 2010 front-end web server.

Navigate to your Start Menu / Administrative Tools / Server Manager.  Click on the Features node and select Add Feature.  Scroll down and select SMTP Server and click on Add Required Role Services.


Click Next, Next and Install.


Click Close

We now need to install the II 6.0 Management Tools on our Windows 2008 R2 server in order to configure our SMTP service.  If IIS 6.0 Manager is not already installed you must do so via, Start / Administrative Tools / Server Manager.  Click on the Roles node and select Role / Add Role Services.  Then select Management Tools and IIS 6 Management compatibility.  Click Install.

We can now launch the IIS 6 Manager via Start / Administrative Tools.


Right click on SMTP Virtual Server #1 and select properties.

Under the General tab, I have enabled logging and encourage doing so at the start in the event we need to do some troubleshooting.  You can turn logging off after successful testing.


Click on the next tab, "Access".

Click on "Authentication" and ensure that Anonymous access is selected.


Next, click on "Connection" and ensure "All except the list below" is selected.


Finally, click on "Relay", and ensure that "Only the list below" is selected and that "Allow all computers which successfully authenticate to relay, regardless of the list above" is also checked.


Now click on the Messages Tab and make any necessary adjustments that you see fit, such as potentially increasing the message size to allow for the delivery of larger emails with attachments into your SharePoint Libraries and Lists


Next click on the Delivery Tab in which I normally leave all the defaults in place.


We can skip the LDAP routing tab as there are no settings required to be configured in this area.

Lastly, the Security tab should list the default permissions as per the below.  No changes are necessary in this area.


We next journey into the "Domains" are within IIS 6 Manager and a domain name should be listed, which by default is the fully qualified domain name of the machine.

Right click on the Domain Name and select properties and take note of the Drop directory.


Finally, we now just need to confirm that our SMTP service is set to start automatically in the event the server is restarted.  I can tell you now that the service is by default set to Manual.

Venture into Start / Administrative Tools / Services.

Scroll down your list of services and ensure that the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is set to Start-up type, Automatic.


We have now completed the configuration of our SMTP service on our SharePoint Server.

Exchange 2007/2010 Connectors

Part two of the implementation of configuring incoming email in SharePoint is to configure our connectors in Microsoft Exchange.  Now even though this is not a requirement, most organisations running SharePoint 2010 or 2007 will also be running a recent version of Microsoft Exchange, hopefully either 2007 or 2010.  Exchange 2010 or 2007 will provide you with that extra layer of protection ensuring that all the necessary message hygiene has been performed via its inbuilt Anti Spam Agents on the Edge or Hub Transport Server in conjunction with some form of email antivirus such as Microsoft's Forefront for Exchange, before the message is delivered to the SharePoint 2010 List or Library.

My instructions and screen captures below are from an Exchange 2010 server which are pretty much identical and applicable to Exchange 2007.

Let's begin by launching the Exchange Management Console / Organization Configuration / Hub Transport.

Click on Send Connectors / Actions / New Send Connector.

Type in a descriptive name for your Send Connector and then select Internal as the type.


Click Add and enter the Address space as the fully qualified domain name of the server where the SMTP service is installed (i.e. your SharePoint Server)


Click Next

Enter the IP address of the server which also hosts the SMTP service.


Click Next

Select "None" as your smart host authentication settings


Click Next

Ensure your Hub Transport Server has been added.


Click Next


Click New and then click Finish

The end result will be that the Send connector will route email to the SMTP service sitting on our SharePoint Server.


The Directory Management Service

SharePoint 2010 allows you to leverage Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) so that contacts that are created when you email enable document libraries or lists are stored in a designated Organizational Unit within your AD DS infrastructure.  So why would you want to enable Directory Management Service?  Purely for the fact that by storing these contacts in AD, you are allowing your users to locate email enabled libraries and lists easily from within their Outlook Address book.

Let's begin by creating an Organizational Unit in Active Directory.

From your Active Directory server, click Start / Administrative Tools / Active Directory Users and Computers.

Right click on your domain object and select New / Organizational Unit

Type in a descriptive name


Click Ok.

The next step is imperative and very important that we get this right.  I have seen on many occasions where incorrect permissions were applied and all sorts of problems were encountered when libraries or list were email enabled.

In summary, we need to provide our Central Administration Application pool identity account specific permissions to our recently created Organizational Unit to be used for creating and deleting contacts for our SharePoint 2010 libraries and lists when they are either email enabled or email disabled.

Right click on the recently created Organizational Unit and click on Delegate Control.  This will invoke the Delegation of Control Wizard.


Click Next.

We will now add the Central Administration application pool account which you can confirm from IIS Manager as per the below screen capture.


Add the necessary Account.


Click Next.

Click Create a custom task to delegate.


Click Next

Click "This folder, existing objects in this folder, and creation of new objects in this folder'.


Click Next

Click on Create All Child Objects and Delete All Child Objects.


Click Finish.

Before we finish off our configuration of AD DS and the Directory Management Service we need to provide our Central Administration application pool account with Delete Subtree permissions.

We need to ensure that "Advanced Features" from within Active Directory Users and Computers (ADUC) is active before we venture into the security tab of our SharePoint organizational unit.  If you do not enable Advanced Features, the security tab will not be visible.

From within ADUC, click on View and select Advanced Features.

Right click on our SharePoint 2010 Organizational Unit and select Properties.

Click on the Security Tab / Advanced /and Edit the CA Application Pool Identity Account.


Select Allow for "Delete Subtree"


Click on OK and Apply.

After assigning these permissions, you must run IISRESET on your SharePoint server.

Configuring Incoming e-mail settings in Central Administration

Navigate to Central Administration / System Settings / Configure incoming e-mail settings.


Select Yes to "Enable site on this server to receive e-mail"

Select "Automatic" for Setting mode.

Select "Yes" to use the SharePoint Directory Management Service to create distributions groups and contacts.

Enter your Active Directory container details, i.e. the Organizational Unit container that we created specifically for our SharePoint 2010 contacts.

Ensure that your SMTP server details are correct, this should be the fully qualified domain name of your SMTP service that was installed on your SharePoint Server.


Finally, ensure "Accept mail from all e-mail servers" is selected.


Click OK.

Please note that this process will configure the necessary permissions on the email drop folder listed in IIS 6 Manager.  In summary, the following permissions are added;

WSS_Admin_WPG – Full Control and

WSS_WPG – Read & Execute / List folder Contents / Read


Ensure that these accounts are added successfully and on the rare occasion in which it isn't, you will need to add them manually.

Testing the configuration

From within any document library or list, click on Library / Library Settings.


Click on Incoming e-mail settings.

Select "Yes" to allow this document library to receive e-mail.

Select your email attachment options and ensure that Save original e-mail is set to Yes.

Lastly, ensure that you Accept e-mail messages from any sender is selected.


Click OK.

This is your first step to ensure that all of the above configuration is in place.  If you do receive an error, it's most likely going to be permissions related against your Organizational Unit, i.e. SharePoint may not have the privilege to add the contact in Active Directory.

Let's navigate back to ADUC and confirm that our "testing" contact is created under the SharePoint 2010 Contacts Organizational Unit.


Let's next navigate to our Exchange 2010 server and ensure it is also listed there with an SMTP address against it.

Launch your Microsoft Exchange Management console and navigate to Recipient Configuration / Mail contact.


Right click on the Contact and select Properties / E-Mail Addresses.

Ensure that both an internal and external routable email address is listed.


From your favorite email client, send a test email to the document libraries' external SMTP address.

Navigate to your recently email enabled document library and hopefully after a couple of minutes (SharePoint Job timer service delay) you should have received your test email.


Well! That's all that is to it, from start to finish.  Apart from sending a test email, there are a couple of other scenarios that you should test to ensure complete seamless integration with the SharePoint 2010 Directory Management Service.  Within the same document library, modify the email address to something different and ensure that this change also flows through to Active Directory. You should also try disabling incoming email from that same library and ensure that the contact is completely removed from Active Directory.  If you pass all of these tests scenarios, then we are comfortable in knowing that the correct delegation was provided to our Central Administration Pool Account against our SharePoint Contacts Organizational Unit.

I hope you have found this step by step guide in configuring incoming email in SharePoint 2010 with Exchange useful, so stay tuned as we continue our journey in configuring our SharePoint 2010 Farm.

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How to Install SharePoint 2010 using Least Privilege Service Accounts

The below setup will be based on SharePoint 2007 best practices and SharePoint 2010 TechNet documentation on "proposed" best practices with this setup utilising the least privilege model for our SharePoint service accounts.  Before delving into the setup which will form the basis of all future blog posts on SharePoint 2010, I have provided the below summary of the environment that I will be working with.


  • Windows 2008 R2 server running Active Directory Domain Services
  • Windows 2008 R2 server running SQL 2008 R2
  • Windows 2008 R2 server running SharePoint 2010 RTM
  • Windows 2008 R2 server running Exchange 2010 RTM
  • Windows 7 client running Office 2010 RTM

The Preparation

Before we delve into the actual installation, let's begin to talk about what service accounts are required for the new SharePoint Farm setup. TechNet has a great article on the service accounts required and their respective privileges which you can read in some detail here.  In summary, these are not much different to the SharePoint 2007 best practices for utilising the Least Privilege model for service accounts and goes as follows;

  1. SQL Server Service Account
    This should be a standard domain user account which will be used to run the MSSQLSERVER and SQLSERVERAGENT services on your SQL server.
    e.g. DOMAIN\sp_sql
  2. SharePoint Setup User Account
    This should be a standard domain user account that will be used as the logged in user when installing SharePoint and for when running the SharePoint Products Configuration Wizard.  This account must be a member of the Local Administrators group for each server where SharePoint 2010 will be installed.  You will also need to create a SQL server login with the following SQL server security roles; "securityadmin" and "dbcreator".  Instructions below.
    e.g. DOMAIN\sp_admin
  3. Server Farm/Database Access Account
    You guessed it, this should also be a standard domain user account, however we do not need to grant any necessary permissions to this account as this is handled by the SharePoint Setup User Account during the SharePoint Products Configuration Wizard.  This is the account that we nominate as the "Database Access" account during the SharePoint Configuration Wizard.  This account will be applied against the SharePoint Foundation Workflow Timer Service and the SharePoint Central Administration Web Site Application Pool.
    e.g. DOMAIN\sp_farm

It's imperative that these accounts are created and provisioned before attempting any installation of the SharePoint 2010 bits.  This article is assuming that SQL 2008 R2 has already been installed in your environment using the SQL server service account.

Firstly, have your Active Directory Administrator create the above accounts in Active Directory as standard domain users.   Then navigate to each server in which you will install SharePoint 2010 and add the DOMAIN\sp_admin account (SharePoint Setup User Account) to the Local Administrator's group of that respective server.

Navigate to Start / Administrative Tools / Server Manager / Local Users and Groups and then click on the Groups folder.

Add the DOMAIN\sp_admin user to the Administrator's group.

We next venture to our SQL 2008 R2 server to configure our sp_admin account as a SQL server login.

Launch the SQL 2008 R2 Management Console and navigate to Security / Logins.

Right click on Logins and select New Login;

Search for the newly created sp_admin domain account

Click on Server Roles and select dbcreator and securityadmin as your server roles.  Public will be selected by default.

Now that our environment is prepped up with your service accounts, we can now proceed with the installation, so let the *games* begin!!

The Install

Launch the SharePoint 2010 splash installation screen and ensure you have met the necessary hardware and software requirements.  You can find more details in the following TechNet article. It's important that you download and install the WCF hotfix listed in the above TechNet article.   This hotfix is specific to the OS version that you are installing SharePoint 2010 on.

Run the Install software prerequisites first! This preparation tool will actually install the majority of the prerequisites listed in the TechNet article.

Click Next

Accept the terms of the License Agreement

The preparation tool begins installing the pre-requisites. It's imperative that your SharePoint server has an internet connection as it will connect to the internet during the preparation and download the necessary software listed above.

After the installation of the prerequisites is complete, you will be asked to re-start your computer.

After your server has restarted, the preparation tool should pick up from where it last left and finalise any further configuration that is required. You should then receive a successful completed installation dialog window as per the below.

lick Finish.

You will then be required to re-launch the install splash screen and this time round click on Install SharePoint Server.

Enter your product key

Accept the Microsoft Software License Terms.

Select Server Farm (we all know not to select Standalone right?! Big no no in production)

Again, don't be fooled into selecting the Stand-alone option which is identical to the Stand-alone option in the previous screen.  Be sure to select Complete and click Next to proceed with the installation.

Once SharePoint has copied it's files, the Run Configuration Wizard window will appear.

Click Close

The SharePoint Products Configuration Wizard will then launch

Click Next

Click Yes on the following warning.

Select "Create a new server farm"

Click Next

Enter the name of your SQL 208 R2 server and keep the default database name for SharePoint 2010 Configuration database.  Then enter the SharePoint Farm account as the Database Access Account.  i.e. DOMAIN\sp_farm.

Click Next

Enter a Passphrase. As mentioned below, this designated passphrase is configured to ensure that no other SharePoint servers can join this farm unless the passphrase is provided.  The passphrase must meet the following requirements;

  • Contains at least eight characters
  • Contains at least three of the following four character groups:
  • English uppercase characters (from A through Z)
  • English lowercase characters (from a through z)
  • Numerals (from 0 through 9)
  • Nonalphabetic characters (such as !, $, #, %)
  • Configure your SharePoint Central Administration Web Application settings. I always like to change the default port number to something that is easier to remember.

    You are also presented with the authentication provider options for your CA Web Application in which it is usually best practice to utilise Kerberos for your SharePoint Web Sites, however NTLM will suffice for your SharePoint CA Web Application.


Click Next

Click Next.

The infamous performing configuration task screen is displayed.  All we can do now is cross our fingers and wait…

Upon completion you should receive the following confirmation that the configuration was a success.

Click Finish

The SharePoint 2010 Central Administration website that was just created should launch.

The Customer Experience Improvement Program which is available with most Microsoft products will pop up in a separate Window.

After answering Yes or No the Customer Experience Improvement Program the Configure your SharePoint farm wizard option will appear.  We will click Cancel and go through the configuration of our service applications in subsequent future articles.

That's all that is to it.  Before signing out, let's venture into a couple of key areas to confirm the details of our farm configuration and then venture across to our SQL server and launch SQL Management Studio to determine what databases are created by default.

Let's begin by navigating to Central Administration / System Settings / Manage servers in this farm.  After confirming the server listing as per our installation, navigate to your SQL 2008 R2 server and launch SQL Management studio. Browse to databases to see our SharePoint 2010 Databases listed, namely the SharePoint config database and the SharePoint Central Administration Database.

I hope this article has some shed some light with your SharePoint 2010 deployment and we will continue our focus in near future articles in configuring our SharePoint farm and focusing on the service applications that are on offer.


Administrative and service accounts required for initial deployment (SharePoint Server 2010)

Prepare for deployment (SharePoint Server 2010)
Deployment scenarios (SharePoint Server 2010)


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